Tree tube orders will be taken until the end of February only.


Tree Tube Information

Preserve the Environment and Economy of Wabasha, MN

Preserve the Environment and Economy of Wabasha, MN

Support our conservation programs and initiatives

Maintaining healthy water and soil is imperative for the community of Wabasha, MN. Wabasha Soil & Water Conservation District was established to help farmers, landowners and the public do their part in ensuring our environment stays healthy. Through conservation programs, we provide technical and financial assistance to community members so they have the tools to help us preserve our water and farming land.

Call 651-565-4673 now to hear more about our conservation and water quality programs.

A note on who we are

Wabasha Soil & Water Conservation District was founded in 1941 to help promote a sound economy and sustain the natural resources in Wabasha, MN. We are co-located with NRCS and FSA partners and we partner with Wabasha County and multiple other agencies to prevent soil erosion, build soil health, mitigate flooding, and improve water quality. By spreading information, providing financing and staying up to date on the best technical practices, we believe we can help keep our economy strong.

The SWCD is a subdivision of State government that is governed by a locally elected Board of Supervisors. The SWCD provides technical and financial assistance for natural resource issues.

Contact us now to learn more about our organization, conservation or water quality programs.

How do we help our community?

Our organization supports land and water management in a variety of ways. We:

Run programming to preserve nutrients in our soil and prevent erosion

Teach youth and share information with the community

Help fund further projects or initiatives to protect our environment

You can rely on us to go above and beyond to support water quality and conservation programs in our area.